Hiring ang GAISANO GRAND GROUP OF COMPANIES sa mga mosunod:
Store Operations Manager
Assistant Store Operations Manager
Accounting Manager/Supervisor
Marketing Officer
Engineering Staff
Supermarket Supervisor
Accounting Staff
Leasing Officer
Finance Staff
Customer Service Staff
Compliance Staff/ Merchandising Coordinator/ Inventory Controller
Marketing Staff
Graphic Artist
Cashier/ Counter Checker/ Warehouse Checker
Sales Assistant
Bagger/ Sales Utility Clerk/ Utility Man/ Refiller
Para sa mga interesadong aplikante, i- submit ang inyong resume or biodata with 2×2 picture sa email hrdcrpo@gaisanogrand.com/ enarvasa@gaisanogrand.com or contact Ms. Juyleen and Waynee at (032) 272-0588 local 2203/ 0933 810 8550/ 0917 809 7912.

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