Office of the City Social Welfare and Development Officer

External Services

1. Aid to Individuals/Families in Crisis Situation (AICS)

Aid to Individual/Families in Crisis Situation (AICS) provides limited assistance (cash) to individuals and families who are unable to function normally due to socio-economic difficulties.

Office or Division:
Office of the City Social Welfare and Development Officer (CSWD)


Type of Transaction:
Government to Citizen (G2C)

Who may avail:
Nagahanon indigent, marginalized, and vulnerable/disadvantaged individuals and families in crisis situations as assessed by the Social Worker.

Checklist of Requirements
  1. Purok Certificate – From the Purok Official where the client is a member.
  2. Certificate of Indigency – From the Barangay Captain where the client resides.
  3. Valid ID of the claimant – Choose one from the following:
    • BIR ID, Driver’s License, PRC ID, Voter’s ID, Postal ID, UMID ID, SSS ID, Senior Citizen ID, PWD ID, Solo Parent’s ID, Voter’s Certification, or any Government-issued ID.
  4. Additional Documents:
    • Medical Assistance: Medical Certificate/Abstract, Hospital Bill, and related medical prescriptions.
    • Funeral Assistance: Death Certificate, Service Contract.
    • Educational Assistance: Recent School Tuition Fee, School ID, or Enrollment Certificate.

Client Steps & Agency Actions
Client StepsAgency ActionsFeesProcessing TimeResponsible Person
Submit completed forms and required documents.Review and assess the completeness of the documents.None3 minutesAdmin. Aide
 If incomplete, inform the client to complete requirements.None  
 If complete, instruct client to proceed to CSWD office for interview.None  
 Conduct assessment based on the interview.None10 minutesSWO/CSWDO
 Return documents signed by the social worker to Mayor’s Office.None3 minutesClient
Return on the date indicated to claim financial assistance.Notify client when the cash assistance is ready for release.None5 minutesOfficer in charge
   Total: 21 minutes 

2. Provision of Social Case Study Report for Referral to Other Social Welfare Agencies

This service issues a case study report for individuals or families to seek medical, educational, burial, and financial assistance from other social welfare agencies (NGOs/GOs).

Office or Division:
Office of the City Social Welfare and Development Officer (CSWD)

Who may avail:
Nagahanons who are indigent or vulnerable and wish to avail assistance from external agencies.

Client Steps & Agency Actions
Client StepsAgency ActionsFeesProcessing TimeResponsible Person
Present required documents.Evaluate submitted documents.None5 minutesSWO/CSWDO
Provide general information (interview).Intake interview with the client.None20 minutesSWO
Wait for the preparation of the Social Case Study Report.Prepare the Case Study Report and have it signed by the CSWDO.None35 minutesSWO
Claim the signed Social Case Study Report.Release the signed report.None5 minutesHandling Social Worker
 Total: 1 hour 5 minutes   

3. Provision of Social Case Study Report for Medicolegal Cases

This service provides case study reports for individuals or families who are victims of abuse, to be used in filing cases or ongoing legal processes.

Office or Division:
Office of the City Social Welfare and Development Officer (CSWD)

Who may avail:
Nagahanons who are victims of abuse (women, children, and youth).

Client Steps & Agency Actions
Client StepsAgency ActionsFeesProcessing TimeResponsible Person
Present Court Order or Police Request.Conduct an interview with the client.None30 minutesSWO
Sign the General Information Sheet.Prepare the General Information Sheet.None20 minutesSWO
Wait for the preparation of the Social Case Study Report.Prepare the Case Study Report and have it signed by the CSWDO.None35 minutesSWO
Claim the signed Social Case Study Report.Release the signed report.None5 minutesClient
 Total: 1 hour 30 minutes   

4. Issuance of Referral Letters for Public Attorneys Office (PAO) for Legal Assistance

This service provides referral letters to indigent individuals seeking assistance from the Public Attorney’s Office (PAO).

Office or Division:
Office of the City Social Welfare and Development Officer (CSWD)

Who may avail:
Nagahanons who are victims of abuse (women, children, and youth).

Client Steps & Agency Actions
Client StepsAgency ActionsFeesProcessing TimeResponsible Person
Submit documents and request certificate.Conduct an interview.None10 minutesSWO/CSWDO
Sign the General Information Sheet.Prepare the Referral Form and have it reviewed by the CSWDO.None20 minutesSWO/CSWDO
Wait for the preparation of the Referral Form.Prepare the Referral Form and issue the certificate.None10 minutesSWO
Sign the logbook and claim the certificate.Release the prepared Referral Form.None10 minutesSWO
 Total: 50 minutes   

5. Issuance of Solo Parents and Senior Citizen’s Identification Cards

Issuance of identification cards for eligible solo parents and senior citizens.

Office or Division:
Office of the City Social Welfare and Development Officer (CSWD)

Who may avail:
Nagahanons who are 60 years old and above or solo parents with children below 18 years old.

Checklist of Requirements

Senior Citizen Application:

  • Purok Certificate, Community Tax Certificate (cedula), Birth Certificate, Voter’s ID, 1×1 Picture, and Filled in Application Form.
    Solo Parent Application:
  • Purok Certificate, Barangay Certification, ID pictures, children’s birth certificate, spouse’s death certificate (if applicable), Voter’s ID, and Application Form.

Client Steps & Agency Actions
Client StepsAgency ActionsFeesProcessing TimeResponsible Person
Submit documents and fill in the application form.Review and provide application form.None5 minutesAdmin. Aide CSWD
Fill in the form and submit to the appropriate office.Review forms and instruct the client on ID pickup.None1 weekAdmin. Aide CSWD
Wait for the application processing.Home visitation and Social Case Study Report (if solo parent).None1 weekSWO
Sign the logbook and claim the ID.Release the ID after reviewing the logbook.None5 minutesAdmin. Aide CSWD
 Total: 2 weeks & 10 minutes   

6. Case Conference with Victims of Abuse (Women, Children, and Youth)

Provide counseling sessions and assistance to victims of abuse.

Office or Division:
Office of the City Social Welfare and Development Officer (CSWD)

Who may avail:
Nagahanons who are victims of abuse (women, children, and youth).

Client Steps & Agency Actions
Client StepsAgency ActionsFeesProcessing TimeResponsible Person
Report the incident to CSWD.Intake interview with the client.None15 minutesSWO
Attend counseling sessions.Provide counseling sessions to the clients.None2-3 hoursCounselor/Social Worker
 Total: 3 hours 15 minutes   

7.  Facilitate Rescue Operation to Victims of Violence

Office or Division: Office of the City Social Welfare and Development Officer (CSWD)
Classification: Simple
Type of Transaction: Government to Citizen (G2C)
Who May Avail: All Nagahanons who are victims of abuse (women, children, and youth)

Checklist of Requirements:

Requirements Where to Secure
One (1) copy of Medical Certificate Attending Physician
One (1) copy of Police Blotter PNP – Women’s Desk

Client Steps:

Client Steps Agency Actions Processing Time Person Responsible
1. Request for a rescue operation Intake Interview 15 minutes SWO
2. Wait Coordinate with PNP – Women’s Desk Personnel 30 minutes  
3. Wait Area Visitation 1 hour  

Total Processing Time: 1 hour & 45 minutes

8. Operation for Naga Youth Holding Center

Office or Division: Office of the City Social Welfare and Development Officer (CSWD)
Classification: Complex
Type of Transaction: Government to Citizen (G2C) and Government to Government (G2G)
Who May Avail: Children in conflict with the law (ages 12-17)

Checklist of Requirements for Admission:

Requirements Where to Secure
Blotter Report & Court Order for Child Referring Party (Women Children Protection Desk)
Certificate of Discernment LGU Social Worker
Referral Letter Women Children and Protection Desk
Birth Certificate/Other Legal Documents Parents/Local Civil Registrar/School
Recent Medical Certificate City Health Office/Infirmary
Proof of Residency (Barangay Certificate) Barangay

Client Steps:

Client Steps Agency Actions Processing Time Person Responsible
1. Submit required documents Checking of documents and issuing the application form 5 minutes SWO
2. Undergo body search Ensure the child does not bring deadly weapons or drugs 5 minutes Security Guards/Houseparent
3. Undergo Admission Pre-Conference Orientation on House Rules, Program and Services 5 minutes SWO
4. Undergo quarantine Health protocols and quarantine 1 week Houseparent/Security Guards
5. Subjected to Initial Case Study Intake Interview to gather other information 20 minutes SWO
6. Referral/Discharge from the Center Reintegration to family/community or referral to rehabilitation 20 minutes SWO

Total Processing Time: 1 week

9. Person’s With Disabilities Affairs Office

Office or Division: Office of the City Social Welfare and Development Officer (CSWD)
Classification: Simple
Type of Transaction: Government to Citizen (G2C)
Who May Avail: Nagahanon Persons with Disability (PWD)

Checklist of Requirements for Issuance of PWD I.D:

Requirements Where to Secure
One (1) copy of Purok Certificate Purok Official
One (1) copy of Barangay Certification Barangay
Two (2) 1×1 ID Pictures Client
Voter’s Certificate/Voter’s ID COMELEC
Filled-in PWD Application Form with doctor’s signature PDAO Building
Medical Certificate From the doctor

Client Steps:

Client Steps Agency Actions Processing Time Person Responsible
1. Submit required documents Review documents and issue application form 5 minutes PDAO Staff
2. Fill out application and submit to PDAO Review forms and provide the date for ID pickup 1 week PDAO Staff
3. Claim PWD I.D Retrieve logbook for ID claims and release the ID 5 minutes PDAO Staff

Total Processing Time: 1 week

10. Center for Nagahanon Children with Special Needs

Office or Division: Office of the City Social Welfare and Development Officer (CSWD)
Type of Transaction: Government to Citizen (G2C)
Who May Avail: Nagahanon Children with Special Needs/Disabilities

Checklist of Requirements:

Requirements Where to Secure
One (1) Photocopy of Purok Certificate Purok Official
One (1) Photocopy of Barangay Certification Barangay
One (1) Photocopy of Birth Certificate Client
Two (2) 1×1 ID Pictures Client
Intake Form CNCSN Building
Medical Certificate and Doctor’s Referral From the doctor
Psychological Assessment for SPED From the doctor

Client Steps:

Client Steps Agency Actions Processing Time Person Responsible
1. Submit documents to CNCSN Review documents and interview client 5 minutes CNCSN Staff
2. Schedule PT or SPED session Enroll and schedule for sessions 5 minutes Physical Therapist/Staff

Total Processing Time: 10 minutes