Office of the City Agriculturist – External Services

1. Assistance in the Facilitation of Insurance Application and Claim Forms for Rice, Corn, High Value Crops, Livestock, and Fishing Vessel

  • Office or Division: Office of the City Agriculturist (OCAgriculturist)
  • Classification: Simple
  • Type of Transaction: G2C/G2G
  • Who may avail: Farmers and Fisherfolks

Checklist of Requirements:

For Insurance Application:

RequirementsWhere to Secure
Farmer- RSBSA Registration No.City Agriculture Office
Fisherfolks- Registration Permit and Fishery Registration SystemCity Agriculture Office

For Claims:

RequirementsWhere to Secure
Pictures for DamageClient
2×2 I.D. PictureClient
Photocopy of Valid I.D.Client

Client Steps and Agency Actions:
Client StepsAgency ActionsFees to be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
1. Apply for insurance coverage and claims1.0 Assist and interview clients based on the forms and concerns.None10 minutesAgricultural Technologist or Admin. Aide I (for Livestock); JO Staff (for Rice, Corn, and Fishery); Admin. Aide or Agricultural Technologist (for HVC)
 1.1 Apply for insurance for crops, livestock, and fishing vesselNone  
 1.2 Apply for insurance claims and fill out necessary forms.None OCAgriculturist Staff

Total Processing Time: 10 minutes

2. Assistance for the Availment of Farm Inputs Such as Seeds, Fertilizers, Pesticides, Etc.

  • Office or Division: Office of the City Agriculturist (OCAgriculturist)
  • Classification: Simple
  • Type of Transaction: G2C/G2G
  • Who may avail: Farmers, Fisherfolks, Coop Members

Checklist of Requirements:
RequirementsWhere to Secure
Farmers- RSBSA Registration No.City Agriculture Office
Fisherfolks- Fishery Registration SystemCity Agriculture Office

Client Steps and Agency Actions:
Client StepsAgency ActionsFees to be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
1. Request farm inputs such as rice, corn, assorted vegetables seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, etc.1.0 Check availability of farm inputsNone15 minutesJO Staff (Rice), Agricultural Technologist (Corn), Admin. Aide (Organic), Senior Agriculturist (Fishery)
 1.1 If inputs are available, clients sign receiving fileNone  
 1.2 If not available, advise clients to join waiting listNone  
2. Request fruit-bearing and forest seedlings2.0 Assist clients with requested seedlings and purposeNone5 minutesFarm Worker, Nursery
3. Payment on Cashier for seedlings3.0 Advise clients to pay for seedlings if for personal use, and present O.R. to Nursery in-charge.P5.00 – P250.005 minutesCashier, CTO
3.1 If client presents letter of request approved by the LCE, seedlings are provided free of charge.NoneNone5 minutesFarm Worker Nursery

Total Processing Time: 30 minutes
Fees: P5.00 – P250.00 per seedling

3. Assistance to RBOs in the Preparation of Documents for Accreditation with Sangguniang Panlungsod (SP)

  • Office or Division: Office of the City Agriculturist (OCAgriculturist)
  • Classification: Simple
  • Type of Transaction: G2C/G2G
  • Who may avail: Farmer/Fisherfolk Associations, Cooperatives

Checklist of Requirements:
RequirementsWhere to Secure
Board ResolutionCooperative/RBOs
Certificate of RegistrationCDA/DOLE/SEC
List of Current Officers/MembersCooperative/RBOs
Annual Accomplishment ReportCooperative/RBOs
Annual Financial StatementCooperative/RBOs
Profile of OrganizationCooperative/RBOs
Copy of Minutes of MeetingCooperative/RBOs
Barangay Resolution of EndorsementBarangay

Client Steps and Agency Actions:
Client StepsAgency ActionsFees to be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
1. Coop/RBO representative fills out forms1.0 Assess completeness of supporting documentsNone20 minutesAgriculturist or Agricultural Technologist
 1.1 Submit to Mayor’s office for signatureNone  

Total Processing Time: 20 minutes

4. Registration of Fishing Vessel and Fishing Gears

  • Office or Division: Office of the City Agriculturist (OCAgriculturist)
  • Classification: Simple
  • Type of Transaction: G2C/G2G
  • Who may avail: Fishermen/Fisherfolks

Checklist of Requirements:
RequirementsWhere to Secure
Barangay ClearanceBarangay LGU
Community TaxCTO/Barangay LGU
Pictures of Motorized & Non-motorized BancaClient
Receipt of PaymentCTO

Client Steps and Agency Actions:
Client StepsAgency ActionsFees to be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
1. Secure application form and prepare all requirements1.0 Assist client fill out application form and check completenessNone20 minutesSenior Agriculturist or JO Staff
2. Payment2.0 Advise clients to pay at TreasuryP30.00 – P90.005 minutesCashier CTO
2.1 Endorse application for inspection and approval2.1 Endorse to CFARMC for inspection and approvalNone1 dayCFARMC Personnel
2.2 Conduct Inspection2.2 Inspect the vesselNone1 dayJO Staff
2.3 Approve by CFARMC & LCE2.3 Approval by CFARMC & LCENone  
2.4 Issue Registration2.4 Issue RegistrationNone10 minutesJO Staff

Total Processing Time: 2 days & 35 minutes
Fees: P30.00 – P90.00 per vessel

5. Enrollment of Farmers and Fisherfolks in the RSBSA (Registry System on Basic Sector in Agriculture)

  • Office or Division: Office of the City Agriculturist (OCAgriculturist)
  • Classification: Simple
  • Type of Transaction: G2C
  • Who may avail: Fisherfolk Associations, Cooperatives

Checklist of Requirements:
RequirementsWhere to Secure
Tax Declaration or Barangay Captain CertificationAssessor Office/Barangay Captain
2×2 ID PictureClient
Valid ID CopyClient

Client Steps and Agency Actions:
Client StepsAgency ActionsFees to be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
1. Apply for registration1.0 Assist client filling out form and assign registry numberNone10 minutesAdmin. Aide

Total Processing Time: 10 minutes

6. Dispersal of Small and Large Animals

  • Office or Division: Office of the City Agriculturist (OCAgriculturist)
  • Classification: Simple
  • Type of Transaction: G2C/G2C
  • Who may avail: Farmers

Checklist of Requirements:
RequirementsWhere to Secure
Purok Certification and Barangay CertificationPurok and Barangay
Barangay EndorsementBarangay

Client Steps and Agency Actions:
Client StepsAgency ActionsFees to be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
1. Apply as a beneficiary of the project1.0 Include name in summary of applicants for endorsement and approval by the LCENone5 minutesAgricultural Technologist

Total Processing Time: 5 minutes