Office of the Building Official (OBO)

External Services

1. Issuance of Building Permit

A Building Permit is required before any construction work, renovation, or alteration of any building within the jurisdiction of the City of Naga, Cebu. The permit ensures compliance with safety levels set by the National Building Code of the Philippines.

Office or Division: Office of the Building Official (OBO)
Classification: Highly Technical
Type of Transaction: Government to Citizen (G2C)
Who may avail: All

Checklist of Requirements

DocumentsWhere to Secure
Four (4) copies of properly filled up and notarized Unified Application Form for Building PermitOffice of the Building Official (OBO)
Four (4) copies of filled up/signed and sealed Enforcement Division formOffice of the Building Official (OBO)
Two (2) copies of Locational or Zoning ClearanceCity Planning Development Office
Four (4) copies of Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance with Official ReceiptBureau of Fire Protection Office
Three (3) copies of Tax Clearance and Certified True Copy (CTC) of Tax DeclarationOffice of the City Assessor
Two (2) copies of Consent and Authority if applicant is not the registered lot ownerConcerned Offices or Private Professionals
Two (2) copies of Original Certificate of Title (OCT)/ TCT or Deed of Absolute SaleRegistry of Deeds or Concerned Offices
Two (2) copies of Special Power of Attorney (SPA) or Secretary’s certificate if applicant is corporationPrivate Professionals
Five (5) Sets of Survey/Design Plans (signed and sealed by design professionals)Private Professionals
Three (3) photocopies of Valid Professional Licenses (PRC I.D.), signed and sealed and Professional Tax Return (PTR)Private Professionals
Four (4) copies of notarized estimated value of the building/structureConcerned Offices or Private Professionals
Three (3) copies of Barangay ClearanceBarangay Office
One (1) copy of Construction Safety and Health Program (DOLE)Department of Labor and Employment
Affidavit of Undertaking (if needed)Concerned Offices
Two (2) copies of DPWH Clearance (if along National Highway)DPWH
Two (2) copies of DENR Certificate (ECC/CNC as needed)DENR
Two (2) copies of Building Permit Fee (Official Receipt)OBO
Billboard (16” x 22”) for Project DisplayApplicant

Client Steps

StepClient ActionAgency ActionProcessing TimePerson Responsible
1Submit accomplished form with all requirementsReview, check completeness30 minsSorters of OBO
1.1Assessment and fee computationPrepare endorsement for Fire Protection, schedule inspection60 minsAdmin Aide, Engineer, Architect
1.2Document evaluationReview compliance with National Building Code720 minsEngineer, Architect, Electrical Engr.
1.3Conduct site inspectionInspect the site240 minsInspectorate Team
1.4Final evaluation and approvalApprove or endorse for compliance480 minsBuilding Official
2Submit required documents (FSEC, Zoning Clearance)Issue order of payment30 minsBuilding Official, Assessor of OBO
3Present Official Receipt (OR)Process and prepare documents for release20 minsAdmin Aide/ Officer of the Day
3.2Receive Building Permit CertificateSign the Building Permit Certificate480 minsBuilding Official, Admin Aide
4Claim permit and acknowledge receiptRelease Building Permit20 minsReleasing Personnel/Admin Aide


2. Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy

A Certificate of Occupancy is required before a building may be used or occupied to ensure it is completed according to approved plans, and meets safety and sanitary standards.

Office or Division: Office of the Building Official (OBO)
Classification: Highly Technical
Type of Transaction: Government to Citizen (G2C)
Who may avail: All

Checklist of Requirements

DocumentsWhere to Secure
Four (4) copies of properly filled up and notarized Unified Application Form for Certificate of OccupancyOffice of the Building Official (OBO)
Four (4) copies of properly filled-up and notarized Certificate of CompletionArchitect/Civil Engineer
Four (4) copies of Building Permit and Ancillary PermitsOBO
Four (4) copies of Fire Safety Evaluation ClearanceBureau of Fire Protection
Four (4) sets of compliant AS-BUILT plans reflecting corrected commentsProfessionals involved
Clear 3R size photographs of completed structureApplicant

Client Steps

StepClient ActionAgency ActionProcessing TimePerson Responsible
1Submit application with all required documentsReview completeness of documents30 minsSorters of OBO
1.2Document reviewSchedule inspection240 minsArchitectural, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Electronics Evaluators
1.3Site inspectionInspect the completed site240 minsInspectorate Team
1.4Final evaluation and assessmentApprove or endorse for compliance480 minsBuilding Official
2Submit Fire Safety Inspection CertificateIssue order of payment60 minsOfficer of the Day
3Present Official Receipt (OR)Process and prepare for release60 minsOfficer of the Day, Admin Aide
3.2Receive Certificate of OccupancySign certificate and submit to Mayor for signature480 minsBuilding Official/Admin Aide
4Claim certificate and acknowledge receiptRelease Certificate of Occupancy20 minsReleasing Personnel/Admin Aide


Important Notes

  • Only complete and compliant applications will be accepted.
  • All forms should be fastened in a LONG FOLDER (including drawing plans and reports).
  • Keep your CLAIM STUB at all times. “NO CLAIM STUB, NO RELEASE” policy applies.

3. Issuance of Fencing Permit

A permit is required before construction work, renovation, or operation of any type of building within the jurisdiction of the City of Naga, Cebu, setting the acceptable levels of safety for construction in compliance with the National Building Code of the Philippines.

  • Office or Division: Office of the Building Official (OBO)
  • Classification: Highly Technical
  • Type of Transaction: Government to Citizen (G2C)
  • Who may avail: All
Four (4) copies of properly filled up and signed Application Form for Fencing PermitOffice of the Building Official (OBO)
Two (2) copies of Locational or Zoning ClearanceCity Planning Development Office
Three (3) copies of Tax Clearance and Certified True Copy (CTC) of Tax DeclarationOffice of the City Assessor
Two (2) copies of Consent and Authority if applicant is not the registered lot ownerConcerned Offices or Private Professionals
Two (2) copies of Original Certificate of Title (OCT)/ Transfer of Certificate of Title (TCT) or Deed of Absolute Sale or LotRegistry of Deeds or concerned Offices
Two (2) copies of Affidavit of No complaints from Adjoining Owner (4 sides)Private Individuals
Two (2) copies of Special Power of Attorney (SPA) or Secretary’s certificate if the applicant is a corporationPrivate Individuals
Five (5) Sets Design plans and other documents, signed and sealed by the concerned Design ProfessionalsPrivate Individuals
Two (2) copies of Sketch PlanPrivate Individuals
Two (2) photocopy of Valid Professional Licenses (PRC I.D.) signed and sealed and Professional Tax Return (PTR) of all involved professionalsPrivate Individuals
Two (2) copies of Barangay ClearancePrivate Individuals
One (1) copy of the project’s Affidavit of Undertaking (for documents to be submitted 30 days after the issuance of permits)Concerned Offices and Private Professionals
Two (2) copies DPWH Clearance, if proposed fence is along National HighwayDPWH
Two (2) copies DENR Certificate-ECC/CNC as neededDENR
Two (2) copies of Building Permit Fee (Official Receipt)The Applicant is also required to prepare a billboard: 16”X22”
1. Submit accomplished form together with all other requirements1.1 Review, check and assess completeness of the submitted documents if it’s in accordance with the checklist requirements.None30 minsSorters of OBO
 1.2 Evaluate, check and review submitted plans and documents if they align with National Building Code and other statutory requirementsNone60 minsEngineer, Architect, Electrical Engr.
 1.3 Conduct site inspectionNone480 minsInspectorate Team of OBO
 1.4 Assess and compute fees to be paid.None60 minsAdmin. Aide
 1.5 Final evaluation and approval of compliance by Section HeadNone240 minsBuilding Official
2. Return on the date indicated, submit Zoning Clearance with O.R., and inquire about status2.0 If approved for payment, the order of payment is signed by Building Official and issued by assessment personnelNone30 minsBuilding Official and Assessor of OBO
3. Present the Official Receipt (OR)3.0 The receipt is accepted and client is advised about the schedule of releasingNone10 minsAdmin. Aide Officer
4. Claim the permit and sign the logbook4.0 Permit is releasedNone20 minsReleasing Personnel/Admin. Aide

Total Processing Time: 1080 mins

4. Issuance of Certificate of Annual Inspection Report

Regulate and monitor all business establishments operating in the City to ensure their compliance with applicable laws, standards, issuances, laws, and regulations.

  • Office or Division: Office of the Building Official (OBO)
  • Classification: Simple
  • Type of Transaction: Government to Citizen (G2C)
  • Who may avail: Enterprise / Business Owners
Duly Accomplished Application FormBPLO
One (1) copy of Inspection ReportOffice of the Building Official
1. Submit accomplished form with all other requirements1. Evaluate and review application, compute feesNone3 minsAdmin. Aide
 1.1 If approved for payment, order of payment is issuedNone5 mins 
2. Present the Official Receipt (OR)2.0 The receipt is accepted and the client is advised about the schedule of releasingNone10 minsAdmin. Aide
3. Claim the permit and sign the logbook3.0 Permit is releasedNone3 minsAdmin. Aide

Total Processing Time: 266 mins

5. Issuance of Demolition Permit

A demolition permit is required before a property owner can legally demolish a structure.

  • Office or Division: Office of the Building Official (OBO)
  • Classification: Highly Technical
  • Type of Transaction: Government to Citizen (G2C)
  • Who may avail: All
Four (4) copies Duly Accomplished Application FormOffice of the Building Official (OBO)
Two (2) copies of Barangay ClearanceConcerned Barangay
Two (2) copies of Tax Clearance and Certified True Copy (CTC) of Tax DeclarationOffice of the City Assessor
Two (2) copies of Certified copy of Tax Declaration of the buildingOffice of the City Assessor
Two (2) copies of Lot Plan with Vicinity MapOffice of the City Assessor
Two (2) copies of Consent and Authority if applicant is not the registered lot ownerConcerned Offices or Private Individual
Two (2) copies of Demolition Permit Fee (Official Receipt)Concerned Offices
1. Submit accomplished form with all other requirements1. Evaluate and check the completeness of the documentsNone30 minsEngineer, Architect
 1.2 Conduct site inspectionNone480 minsInspectorate Team
 1.3 Assess and compute fees to be paidNone60 minsAdmin. Aide
 1.4 Final evaluation and approval of compliance by Building OfficialNone240 minsBuilding Official
2. Return on the date indicated, submit requirements2.0 If approved for payment, order of payment signed by Building OfficialNone30 minsBuilding Official
3. Submit Official Receipt (OR)3.0 The receipt is processed and the client is advisedNone10 minsAdmin. Aide

Total Processing Time: 1020 mins

6. Issuance of Indigenous Electrical Permit

To support the DOE’s rural electrification program for indigent households.

  • Office or Division: Office of the Building Official (OBO)
  • Classification: Highly Technical
  • Type of Transaction: Government to Citizen (G2C)
  • Who may avail: All
Four (4) copies of Application Form for Indigenous Electrical PermitOffice of the Building Official (OBO)
Four (4) copies of Fire Clearance with Official ReceiptBureau of Fire Protection
Three (3) copies of Tax ClearanceOffice of the City Assessor
Two (2) copies of Consent and AuthorityConcerned Offices or Private Professionals
Five (5) sets of Survey/Design plans signed and sealedPrivate Professionals
1. Submit accomplished form with all other requirements1. Review and check completeness of the documentsNone30 minsSorters of OBO
 1.2 Evaluate, check and review the documents, give back for Fire Safety requirementsNone720 minsAdmin. Aide
 1.3 Conduct site inspectionNone240 minsAdmin. Aide
 1.4 Assess and compute fees, prepare endorsementNone60 minsBuilding Official
2. Return to submit Fire Safety Clearance (FSEC)2.0 If approved for payment, order of payment is signed by Building OfficialNone30 minsBuilding Official
3. Submit Official Receipt (OR)3.0 Receipt processed and the client is advisedNone10 minsAdmin. Aide

Total Processing Time: 2400 mins

7. Issuance of Excavation Permit

A demolition permit is required before a property owner can legally demolish a structure.

Office or Division: Office of the Building Official (OBO)
Classification: Technical
Type of Transaction: Government to Citizen (G2C)
Who may avail: All

Checklist of Requirements:

RequirementWhere to Secure
Four (4) copies of the duly accomplished application form signed and sealed by an architect or civil engineer for the total area to be excavatedOffice of the Building Official (OBO)
Two (2) copies of Barangay Excavation ClearanceConcerned office
Two (2) copies of Tax Clearance and Certified True Copy (CTC) of Tax DeclarationOffice of the City Assessor
Two (2) copies of Current Tax ReceiptOffice of the City Treasurer
Two (2) copies of Lot Plan/ Sketch Plan with vicinity map signed and sealed by a Geodetic EngineerOffice of the City Assessor
Two (2) copies of Consent and Authority if the applicant is not the registered lot ownerConcerned offices or private individual
Two (2) copies of Original Certificate of Title (OCT)/ Transfer of Certificate of Title (TCT) or Deed of Absolute Sale or Lot Locational Plan from LRA (If Lessee, Contract of Lease)Registry of Deeds or concerned offices
Two (2) copies of Special Power of Attorney (SPA) or Secretary’s certificate if the applicant is a corporationPrivate individuals
Two (2) copies of Excavation Permit Fee (Official Receipt)Concerned offices
Two (2) copies of DPWH Clearance if the proposed excavation is along a National HighwayDPWH
  • Only complete and compliant applications will be accepted.
  • Keep your claim stub at all times. “NO CLAIM STUB, NO RELEASE!” Policy.

Client Steps & Agency Actions:

Client StepsAgency ActionsFees to be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
1. Submit accomplished form together with all other requirements1.1 Evaluate, review, check and assess the completeness of the submitted documents in accordance with the checklist and standards set by the National Building Code and other statutory requirementsNone30 minutesEngineer, Architect, Electrical Engineer
 1.2 Conduct site inspectionNone480 minutesInspectorate Team of OBO
 1.3 Assess and compute fees to be paidNone40 minutesAdmin. Aide, Engineer, Architect
 1.4 Final evaluation and approval of the documents for complianceNone240 minutesBuilding Official
2. Return on the date indicated in the stub and inquire status of the application. If application is ready for payment, pay the required fees. Otherwise, if application is for compliance, get the documents, comply with the requirements, and go back to step 1.2.1 If the application is approved for payment, the order of payment shall be signed by the Building Official and issued by the assessment personnelNone30 minutesBuilding Official and Assessor of OBO
 2.2 If the application is for compliance, the personnel in charge shall return the documents to the applicant for compliance of the remarks indicated in the correction sheetNone30 minutesOfficer of the Day
3. Present or submit the Official Receipt (OR) to the Person In Charge3.1 The receipt shall be accepted and recorded and the client is advised for the schedule of releasingNone10 minutesAdmin. Aide, Officer of the Day
 3.2 The documents shall be processed and prepared for releasingNone20 minutesAdmin. Aide
 3.3 The Application shall be signed by the Building Official or his/her representative and forwarded to the employee in-charge for releasingNone60 minutesBuilding Official, Electrical Engineer, Admin. Aide
 3.4 The documents shall be sorted and prepared for releasingNone40 minutesAdmin. Aide
4. Claim the permit and sign the logbook or other transmittals for acknowledgment4.1 The permit shall be released to the applicantNone20 minutesReleasing Personnel/Admin. Aide

Total Processing Time:

  • 1000 minutes (Approximately 16 hours and 40 minutes)

Fees to be Paid:

  • Order of Payment will be based on the schedule of fees prescribed by the National Building Code, Zoning Ordinance, and Local Revenue Code.