1. Registration of Civil Registry Documents

Facts of a person’s birth, marriage, fetal death, and death shall be registered at the place of the event within 30 days of occurrence.

Office or Division: Office of the City Civil Registrar (CCR)
Classification: Simple
Type of Transaction: G2C
Who may avail: Owner of the document, Hospitals, Birthing Centers, Funeral Homes, Solemnizing Officers, and DSWD personnel

Checklist of Requirements:

RequirementWhere to Secure
4 copies of duly accomplished Certificate of: 
– Live BirthHospital, Birthing Center, & Midwife
– MarriageSolemnizing Officer
– Fetal DeathHospital, Birthing Center, & Midwife
– DeathHospital & Funeral Homes
– FoundlingDSWD Office

Client Steps & Agency Actions:

Client StepsAgency ActionsFees to be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
1. Submit duly filled-up Civil Registry Form (4 copies) to Counter 41.0 Receive the document for checking as to completeness of dataNone10 minutesAdmin. Aide
 1.1 Assign registry numberNone City Civil Registrar
 1.2 Have it signed by the Civil RegistrarNone  
2. Receive the copy of the duly registered document2.0 Release the registered documentNone10 minutesAdmin. Aide
 2.1 Scan the document for office fileNone  
 2.2 Transcribe the document in the appropriate registry bookNone  

TOTAL Processing Time: 20 minutes

2. Delayed Registration of Civil Registry Documents

Facts of a person’s birth, marriage, fetal death, and death that were not registered within the reglementary period of 30 days may avail of this service.

Office or Division: Office of the City Civil Registrar (CCR)
Classification: Highly Technical
Type of Transaction: G2C
Who may avail: Owner of the document, father, mother, or guardian who desires to register the facts of birth, death, fetal death, and marriage at the place of occurrence.

Checklist of Requirements:

RequirementWhere to Secure
Delayed Registration of Birth 
– Duly accomplished Municipal Form 102Office of the City Civil Registrar
– PSA Negative Certificate of BirthPSA Outlet or City of Naga BREQS Outlet
– LCRO Negative CertificationOffice of the Civil Registrar
– At least two supporting documents (e.g., Baptismal Certificate, Form 137-E, Voter’s Certificate, Barangay Captain’s Certificate)Various locations (Parish, School, COMELEC, Barangay)
– Affidavit for Delayed RegistrationLawyer
– Marriage Certificate of the owner of the documentPSA Outlet or City Civil Registrar
– Marriage Certificate of parentsPSA Outlet or City Civil Registrar
– Valid IDVarious institutions (e.g., GSIS, SSS, etc.)
Delayed Registration of Death 
– Duly accomplished Municipal Form 103Office of the City Civil Registrar
– PSA Negative Certification of DeathPSA Outlet or City of Naga BREQS Outlet
– LCRO Negative CertificationOffice of the Civil Registrar
– Burial PermitOffice of the City Treasurer
– Certificate of DeathParish where the mass was celebrated
– Medical Certification (if applicable)Hospital
– Affidavit for Delayed Registration of DeathLawyer
Delayed Registration of Marriage 
– Duly accomplished Municipal Form 97Office of the City Civil Registrar
– PSA Negative Certification of MarriagePSA Outlet or City of Naga BREQS Outlet
– LCRO Negative CertificationOffice of the Civil Registrar
– Certificate of MarriageOffice of the City Civil Registrar
– Any document showing the date and place of marriageOffice where the marriage was solemnized
– Affidavit for Delayed Registration of MarriageLawyer

Client Steps & Agency Actions:

Client StepsAgency ActionsFees to be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
1. Submit all the required documents to Counter 2 & Counter 3 for initial assessment & verification1.0 Receive the document and check for completenessNone20 minutesAdmin. Aide
 1.1 Issue the order of payment if all required documents are providedNone Registration Officer
 1.2 Start processing the requestNone  
2. Pay the required fees at the Cashier2.0 Accept the payment based on the order of paymentP250 (within municipality), P500 (out of town)15 minutesCashier, CTO-Cashier Section
 2.1 Issue the Official ReceiptNone  
3. Return to LCRO for final processing of delayed registration3.0 Check the Official ReceiptNone10 minutesAdmin. Aide
 3.1 Client to sign the prepared Municipal Form for delayed registrationNone Registration Officer
 3.2 Advise client to return after 10-day posting periodNone  
TOTAL Fees: P350 (within municipality) P500 (out of town)Processing Time: 10 days & 45 minutes   

3. Acknowledgement & RA 9255 (Affidavit to Use the Surname of the Father)

An act allowing illegitimate children to use the surname of the father.

Office or Division: Office of the City Civil Registrar (CCR)
Classification: Simple
Type of Transaction: G2C
Who may avail: The person himself (if 18 years old and over), father, or mother.

Checklist of Requirements:

RequirementWhere to Secure
Submit 1 original & 2 photocopies: 
– PSA Certificate of Live BirthPSA Outlet or City of Naga BREQS Outlet
– Affidavit of AcknowledgementLCR Office
– Affidavit to Use the Surname of the FatherLCR Office
– Valid ID of parents & child (if applicable)Various institutions (e.g., GSIS, SSS, etc.)

Client Steps & Agency Actions:

Client StepsAgency ActionsFees to be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
1. Submit all the required documents to Counter 3 or Counter 6 for initial processing1.0 Receive the document, check for completenessNone20 minutesRegistration Officer
 1.1 Issue the Order of Payment after assessing and verifying documentsNone  
 1.2 Start processing the requestNone  
2. Pay the required fees at the City Treasurer’s Office2.0 Accept the payment based on the Order of PaymentP200 (Acknowledgement), P200 (RA 9255), P50 (Affidavit)10 minutesCashier, CTO-Cashier Section
 2.1 Issue the Official ReceiptNone  
3. Return to the CCR staff for processing of the documents3.0 Check the Official ReceiptNone10 minutesRegistration Officer
 3.1 Register the Affidavits in the Legal Instrument BookNone  
 3.2 Prepare the Certificate of Live Birth with annotation re: Acknowledgement/RA 9255None  
4. Claim the prepared documents and endorsement letter for mailing to PSA Manila4.0 Release the endorsement letter for PSA Manila and Certificate of Live Birth with annotation to the clientNone10 minutesRegistration Officer

TOTAL Fees: P530.00
Processing Time: 40 minutes

4. Legitimation

Legitimation of children by subsequent marriage of parents.

Office or Division: Office of the City Civil Registrar (CCR)
Classification: Simple
Type of Transaction: G2C
Who may avail: The person himself (if 18 years old and over), father & mother

Checklist of Requirements:

RequirementWhere to Secure
Submit 1 original & 2 photocopies of the following: 
– PSA Birth CertificatePSA Outlet or City of Naga BREQS Outlet
– Affidavit of LegitimationLCR Office
– CENOMAR of parentsPSA Outlet or City of Naga BREQS Outlet
– Certificate of Marriage of ParentsPSA Outlet or City of Naga BREQS Outlet
– Death Certificate of deceased parent(s)PSA Outlet or City of Naga BREQS Outlet
– Valid ID of parentsVarious institutions (e.g., GSIS, SSS, etc.)

Client Steps & Agency Actions:

Client StepsAgency ActionsFees to be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
1. Submit the required documents to CCR staff for initial assessment and verification1.0 Receive the documents and check for completenessNone20 minutesRegistration Officer
 1.1 Issue the Order of PaymentNone  
 1.2 Start processing the requestNone  
2. Pay the required fees at the Cashier Section2.0 Accept the payment based on the Order of PaymentP200 (Legitimation), P50 (Affidavit), P80 (True Copy of Live Birth)10 minutesCashier, CTO-Cashier Section
 2.1 Issue the Official ReceiptNone  
3. Return to the CCR staff for processing of the documents3.0 Check the Official ReceiptNone10 minutesRegistration Officer
 3.1 Register the Affidavit of LegitimationNone  
 3.2 Prepare the Certificate of Live Birth for annotation re: LegitimationNone  
4. Claim the prepared document and endorsement letter for mailing to PSA Manila4.0 Release endorsement letter to PSA Manila and Certificate of Live Birth with annotation re: LegitimationNone10 minutesRegistration Officer

TOTAL Fees: P330.00
Processing Time: 40 minutes

5. Registration of Application for Marriage License

Marriage License is a mandatory document for those who wish to get married.

Office or Division: Office of the City Civil Registrar (CCR)
Classification: Highly Technical
Type of Transaction: G2C
Who may avail: One of the applicants must be a resident of City of Naga, Cebu

Checklist of Requirements:

RequirementWhere to Secure
Proof of Residence (Voter’s Certificate/Barangay Certification)Comelec/Office of the Punong Barangay
PSA Birth CertificatePSA Outlet or City of Naga BREQS Outlet
Certificate of No Record of Marriage (CENOMAR)PSA Outlet or City of Naga BREQS Outlet
Advice/Consent of parents for applicants 25 years of age and belowMunicipal Civil Registrar/City Civil Registrar
Community Tax Certificate & valid IDCTO/Barangay Captain
Legal Capacity (foreign partner)Consular Office
Death Certificate of spouse or Certificate of Finality for previous marriagesPSA

Client Steps & Agency Actions:

Client StepsAgency ActionsFees to be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
1. Submit required documents to Counters 2,3 & 4 for initial assessment1.0 Receive the documents and check for completenessNone20 minutesAdmin. Aide
 1.1 Issue the Order of PaymentNone  
 1.2 Start processing the applicationNone  
2. Pay the required fees at the CTO2.0 Accept the payment based on the Order of PaymentP150 (Marriage Counseling), P10 (Municipal Form 90), P183 (Local), P1,083 (Foreigner)10 minutesCashier
3. Return to the CCR staff3.0 Check the OR and process the applicationNone20 minutesAdmin. Aide
4. Review and sign the marriage application4.0 Post the application for 10 daysNone5 minutesRegistration Officer
5. Claim marriage license after the posting period5.0 Release the marriage license after the posting periodNone5 minutesCity Civil Registrar

TOTAL Fees (Filipino): P335.00
Fees (Foreigner): P1,185.00
Processing Time: 10 days & 1 hour


7. Issuance of Birth, Death, and Marriage Certificates

Office or Division: Office of the City Civil Registrar (CCR)
Classification: Simple
Type of Transaction: G2C
Who may avail: An individual person, owner of the document, resident or non-resident of City of Naga or duly authorized representative.

Checklist of RequirementsWhere to Secure
1. Valid I.D. of the owner of the documentGSIS, SSS, Pantawid, Senior Citizen, Voter’s Registration, National ID
2. Authorization letter with valid I.D., if requester is other than the ownerOwner of the Document
3. Baptismal, Marriage, Death Certificate for non-recordChurch

Client Steps:

Client StepsAgency ActionsFees to be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
1. Fill up the request form and submit to Counters 1,2,3,4, & 5. Make sure to secure the Order of Payment will be issued.1.0 Receive the request form and search the data in the computerNone10 minutesAdmin. Aide Reg. Officer
 1.1 Issue the Order of Payment for positive results   
 1.2 Start processing the request   
2. Pay the required fees at Cashier Section by showing the Order of Payment. Make sure to secure OR that will be issued upon payment.2.0 Accept the payment based on the Order of PaymentTranscript Copy: P80.00, Certified True Copy: P80.0010 minutesCashier CTO – Cashier Section
 2.1 Issue the OR   
3. Return to CCR for processing of requested document3.0 Check the ORNone5 minutesAdmin. Aide Reg. Officer
 3.1 Issue the Certificate either certified or Transcription   
4. Claim the Certificate4.0 Release to client the prepared documentsNone5 minutes 

Total: P80.00
Processing Time: 30 minutes

8. Change of First Name in the Certificate of Live Birth

Office or Division: Office of the City Civil Registrar (CCR)
Classification: Complex RA 9048
Type of Transaction: G2C
Who may avail: Owner of the record or authorized person (spouse, children, parents, etc.).

Checklist of RequirementsWhere to Secure
1. PSA and local copy of COLBPSA & City of Naga BREQS Outlet
2. NBI, Police, and Barangay ClearanceNBI, Police, and Barangay Office
3. Publication in the newspaper once for two consecutive weeksBanat News or Any Newspaper
4. At least two (2) supporting documentary evidencesChurch, PSA, City of Naga BREQS outlet, COMELEC, School
5. Affidavit not gainfully employed (if unemployed)Lawyer

Client Steps:

Client StepsAgency ActionsFees to be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
1. Submit required documents to Counter 6 for initial assessment and verification. Make sure to secure the Order of Payment.1.0 Receive the required documents and check for completenessNone10 minutesReg. Officer City Civil Registrar
 1.1 Issue the Order of Payment if all required documents were given   
 1.2 Start processing the request   
2. Pay the required fees at the CTO by showing the Order of Payment2.0 Accept the payment based on the Order of PaymentP3,000.00, Service Fee for Migrant Petition P1,000.0010 minutesCashiers CTO – Cashier Section
 2.1 Issue the OR   
3. Return to LCR staff for the signing of petition3.0 Check the ORNone10 minutesReg. Officer City Civil Registrar
 3.1 Prepare the petition for client to review and sign   
4. Claim the acted petition after the lapse of 10 days posting for mailing to PSA Manila for the Civil Registrar General’s action4.0 Release the acted petition for the Civil Registrar General’s actionNone10 minutesReg. Officer City Civil Registrar
 4.1 Process the finality for issuance of new PSA record with annotation. After 4 months 
5. Process the approved petition for issuance of Certificate of Finality5.0 Receive the approved petition from the Civil Registrar GeneralNone10 minutesReg. Officer City Civil Registrar
 5.1 Issue the Order of Payment   
 5.2 Start processing the Finality   
6. Pay the required fees at the Cashier Section by showing the Order of Payment6.0 Accept the payment based on the Order of PaymentFinality: P300.00, Civil Registry Doc. P80.0010 minutesCashier CTO – Cashier Section
 6.1 Issue the OR   
7. Return to Counter 6 for release of Certificate of Finality and the annotated Civil Registry document.7.0 Check the ORNone10 minutesReg. Officer City Civil Registrar
 7.1 Issue the Certificate of Finality and the Civil Registry Document   
 7.2 Forward to PSA Provincial Office the approved petition with finality and Certified True Copy for them to annotate their copy   

Total: P3,380.00
Processing Time: 4 months & 50 minutes

9. Petition for Correction of Clerical Error (RA 9048)

Office or Division: Office of the City Civil Registrar (CCR)
Classification: Complex
Type of Transaction: G2C
Who may avail: Owner of the document or authorized person (spouse, children, parents, etc.).

Checklist of RequirementsWhere to Secure
PSA and local copy of the problem documentPSA Outlet or City of Naga BREQS outlet/ Local Civil Registrar’s Office
Other supporting papers that will be required by the registrar based on the kind of error to be corrected or as the case arises. 

Client Steps:

Client StepsAgency ActionsFees to be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
1. Submit required documents to Counter 6 for initial assessment and verification. Make sure to secure the Order of Payment.1.0 Receive the required documents and check for completenessNone20 minutesReg. Officer City Civil Registrar
 1.1 Issue the Order of Payment if all required documents were given   
2. Pay the required fees at the CTO by showing the Order of Payment2.0 Accept the payment based on the Order of PaymentP1,000.00, Service Fee for Migrant Petition P500.0010 minutesCashiers CTO – Cashier Section
 2.1 Issue the OR   
3. Return to LCR staff for the signing of petition3.0 Check the ORNone10 minutesReg. Officer City Civil Registrar
 3.1 Prepare the petition for client to review and sign   
4. Claim the acted petition after the lapse of 10 days posting for mailing to PSA Manila for the Civil Registrar General’s action4.0 Release the acted petition for the Civil Registrar General’s actionNone10 minutesReg. Officer City Civil Registrar
5. Process the approved petition for issuance of Certificate of Finality5.0 Receive the approved petition from the Civil Registrar GeneralNone10 minutesReg. Officer City Civil Registrar
6. Pay the required fees at the Cashier Section by showing the Order of Payment6.0 Accept the payment based on the Order of PaymentFinality P300.00, Civil Registry Doc. P80.0010 minutesCashier CTO – Cashier Section
7. Return to Counter 6 for release of Certificate of Finality and the annotated Civil Registry document.7.0 Check the ORNone10 minutesReg. Officer City Civil Registrar

Total: P1,380.00
Processing Time: 4 months, 1 hour & 5 minutes

10. Petition for Correction of Clerical Error (RA 10172)

Correction for clerical errors in the Certificate of Live Birth such as the day, month of birth, or sex.

Office or Division:

  • Office of the City Civil Registrar (CCR)


  • Complex RA 10172

Type of Transaction:

  • G2C

Who may avail:

  • a) Owner of the record that contains the error to be corrected
  • b) Owner’s spouse, children, parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, guardians, or any person authorized by law or the owner.

Checklist of Requirements:

Requirement Where to Secure
PSA and local copy of the Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) PSA & City of Naga Breqs outlet
NBI, Police, and Barangay Clearance NBI, Police, and Barangay Office
Publication in the newspaper for two consecutive weeks Banat News or any newspaper
At least two (2) supporting documentary evidences (e.g., Baptismal Certificate, Marriage Certificate, Voter’s Registration Record, TOR, Form 137, etc.) Church, PSA, City of Naga Breqs outlet, COMELEC, School
Affidavit not gainfully employed (if unemployed) Lawyer
Medical Certificate Rural Health Officer

Client Steps:

Step Client Action Agency Action Fees Processing Time Person Responsible
1 Submit required documents to Counter 6 for initial assessment and verification Receive the required documents and check for completeness None 10 minutes Registration Officer, City Civil Registrar
2 Pay the required fees at the CTO by showing the Order of Payment Accept the payment based on the Order of Payment ₱3,000.00 (Petition for Migrant) + ₱1,000.00 (Service Fee) 10 minutes Cashier, CTO-Cashier Section
3 Return to LCR staff for signing of petition Check the OR and prepare the petition for client to review and sign None 10 minutes Registration Officer, City Civil Registrar
4 Claim the endorsement for publication in the newspaper Issue Notice of Publication and have it published in the newspaper for 2 consecutive weeks None 10 minutes Registration Officer, City Civil Registrar
5 Submit the Affidavit of Publication and newspaper clippings Receive and verify documents before acting on the petition None 10 minutes Registration Officer, City Civil Registrar
6 Claim the approved petition and endorsement letter to PSA Manila for mailing Release the petition for the Civil Registrar General’s action Covered under RA 9048 After 4 months Registration Officer, City Civil Registrar
7 Pay the required fees for the Certificate of Finality Accept payment for Finality and Civil Registry Document ₱300.00 (Finality) + ₱80.00 (Doc Fee) 10 minutes Cashier, CTO-Cashier Section
8 Return to Counter 6 for processing and release of Certificate of Finality Check the OR and issue the Certificate of Finality and the annotated Civil Registry Document None 10 minutes Registration Officer, City Civil Registrar
9 Collect the approved petition and the final documents from PSA Forward the approved petition to PSA Provincial Office None After 4 months Registration Officer, City Civil Registrar

Processing Time: 4 months & 50 minutes
Total Fees: ₱3,380.00

11. Supplemental Report

To supply information inadvertently omitted in civil registry documents such as birth, marriage, fetal death, and death registration.

Office or Division:

  • Office of the City Civil Registrar (CCR)

Type of Transaction:

  • G2C

Who may avail:

  • a) Owner of the document
  • b) Owner’s spouse, children, parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, guardians, or any person authorized by law or the owner.

Checklist of Requirements:

Requirement Where to Secure
PSA and local copy of the document (birth, marriage, fetal death, or death) PSA & City of Naga Breqs outlet/ Local Civil Registrar’s Office
Other supporting papers (e.g., documents related to the error) Secured based on the case type (e.g., church, school, etc.)

Client Steps:

Step Client Action Agency Action Fees Processing Time Person Responsible
1 Submit required documents to Counter 6 for initial assessment and verification Receive and check documents for completeness None 20 minutes Registration Officer, City Civil Registrar
2 Pay the required fees at the CTO by showing the Order of Payment Accept the payment based on the Order of Payment ₱200.00 (Civil Registry Document) + ₱80.00 (Doc Fee) 10 minutes Cashier, CTO-Cashier Section

Processing Time: 30 minutes
Total Fees: ₱280.00

12. Request for Security Paper (SECPA) Through BREQS

Request for the official document copies of a person’s birth, marriage, or death registered in the PSA.

Office or Division:

  • Office of the City Civil Registrar (CCR)


  • Complex

Type of Transaction:

  • G2C

Who may avail:

  • Only the owner of the document or their authorized representative, whether a resident or non-resident of City of Naga, Cebu.

Checklist of Requirements:

Requirement Where to Secure
Valid Identification Card Any government issued ID
Authorization letter with valid ID (if requester is not the owner) Authorized representative’s ID

Client Steps:

Step Client Action Agency Action Fees Processing Time Person Responsible
1 Fill out the Request Form and submit required documents to Counter 5 Review the request form and check for completeness None 5 minutes Admin. Aide, City Civil Registrar
2 Pay the required fees at the CTO by showing the Order of Payment Accept the payment based on the Order of Payment ₱20.00 (Request Fee) 10 minutes Cashier, CTO-Cashier Section
3 Return to Counter 5 for processing and scheduled date of release Check the OR and issue an Acknowledgment Receipt Birth/Death/Marriage ₱155.00; CENOMAR ₱210.00 10 minutes Admin. Aide, City Civil Registrar
4 Wait for the final documents to be released from PSA Advise client to return after two weeks for document collection None 2 weeks Admin. Aide, City Civil Registrar
5 Present the claim stub to claim the documents from PSA Release the requested Civil Registry documents in SECPA None 10 minutes Admin. Aide, City Civil Registrar

Processing Time: 2 weeks & 35 minutes
Total Fees:

  • Birth, Death, & Marriage: ₱175.00
  • CENOMAR: ₱230.00